New blog for beginners in photography -

Member since 25-Nov-09
Visitors 2890
118 photos

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Others' Landscapes Collection

Visitors 57
0 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24

Life and deep thoughts

Visitors 32
0 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24

WWII bombers

Visitors 101
16 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24
WWII bombers

Filters for softening

Visitors 305
11 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24
Filters for softening

The cars of Phoenix

Visitors 37
5 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24
The cars of Phoenix


Visitors 15
2 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24

Here and there

Visitors 26
3 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24
Here and there

ESCAPADES Fashion Workshop

Visitors 43
4 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24
ESCAPADES Fashion Workshop

All Photographs

Camera Topics

Galleries 1
Modified 8-Mar-24
11 photos

Around Phoenix, Arizona

Galleries 5
Modified 8-Mar-24
20 photos

Life and deep thoughts

Visitors 32
0 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24

Our rambles

Modified 8-Mar-24
0 photos

WWII bombers

Visitors 101
16 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24
WWII bombers

Studies in Technique

Galleries 1
Modified 8-Mar-24
30 photos

Ad hoc

Galleries 4
Modified 12-Sep-18
41 photos

Others' Landscapes Collection

Visitors 57
0 photos
Created 8-Mar-24
Modified 8-Mar-24


Modified 2-Oct-13
0 photos